Saturday, July 4, 2009

This is my first time

As mentioned above, this is what i'm doing currently..jobseeker!

I aspire. I plan. I execute. Cliché or not, this has been the stepping stone leading me to work into your company.I saw you've also placing an ads for another post for Project Engineer but i didn't apply, why? cause i don't have that 3 years relating to oil and gas working enviroment thingy, at least not yet. I do have 3 years working experience entitled for product engineer into the plastic injection world, guess this not so into your must-interview list, so i took chances by applying this job.

I want to challange myself and earn something that worth for me interms of self-satisfacation, financial and my future undertaking. I'm not saying that i'm not satisfied with my current jobs, it just i don't think i already at my fullest stage that i'm capable of, as matter a fact, talking this lose-lose situation i don't want in 2 to 5 years time i stumble on myself just because i'm not quit from my current field earlier.

Neverthelesss,what brings me down to apply this position is regarding to the world economy crissis , the meltdown of nowadays world economy generally and electronic industry ups and downs situation specifically is the one and most important cornerstone why i would like and want to work into your company.

Last but not least ,originally my career plan was simple: to excel at workplace, get what i'm looking for (paycheck and stable career indeed), and then work as a top man technical advisor before settling down as a wealthy retired man (money and experiences).

Above essay i answered for 1 of the jobs i applied recently..the question is so simple, why do you think you want work with us? (i means..naah..what the fish..!)